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Atal rozpoczyna inwestycje w Szczecinie

Opublikowano przez Marcin Strzembosz włączony 21 maja, 2024
Realistic HD photo of Atal initiating investments in Szczecin

Atal, wiodący deweloper na polskim rynku, planuje rozpoczęcie dwóch nowych inwestycji w Szczecinie. Pierwszym projektem jest osiedle mieszkaniowe położone przy ulicy Heyki, które będzie oferować 404 lokale o łącznej powierzchni użytkowej ponad 23 tysiące metrów kwadratowych. Sprzedaż mieszkań na tym nowym osiedlu zostanie rozpoczęta w drugim kwartale tego roku.

Zbigniew Juroszek, prezes spółki Atal, podkreśla, że firma nie zamierza ograniczać się tylko do jednej inwestycji w Szczecinie. W celu lepszego obsługiwania tego miasta, Atal uruchomił oddział w Szczecinie z pełnym zespołem pracowników, podobnym do tych działających w innych aglomeracjach, w których deweloper działa.

Juroszek dodaje, że nowy rynek w Szczecinie pozwoli firmie na większą dywersyfikację geograficzną. Z uwagi na społeczno-demograficzne i migracyjne trendy, duże miasta nadal będą przyciągać nowych mieszkańców, pracowników i biznes. Analizując dotychczasowy rozwój i położenie, Szczecin doskonale wpisuje się w ten trend.

Angelika Kliś, członkini zarządu Atalu, zauważa, że Szczecin i okolice mają wiele zalet, takich jak bliskość granicy z Niemcami oraz lokalna Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna, co korzystnie wpływa na lokalną gospodarkę. Ponieważ na tym rynku dominują mali i średni deweloperzy, Atal będzie mógł wykorzystać swoje konkurencyjne obowiązki i rozszerzyć swoją działalność na większą skalę.

Atal, a leading developer in the Polish market, is planning to start two new investments in Szczecin. The first project is a residential estate located on Heyki Street, which will offer 404 apartments with a total usable area of over 23,000 square meters. The sale of apartments in this new estate will begin in the second quarter of this year.

Zbigniew Juroszek, the CEO of Atal, emphasizes that the company does not intend to limit itself to just one investment in Szczecin. In order to better serve this city, Atal has opened a branch in Szczecin with a full team of employees, similar to those operating in other agglomerations where the developer is active.

Juroszek adds that the new market in Szczecin will allow the company to achieve greater geographical diversification. Due to socio-demographic and migratory trends, large cities will continue to attract new residents, workers, and businesses. From the perspective of previous development and location, Szczecin fits perfectly into this trend.

Angelika Kliś, a member of the Atal management board, notes that Szczecin and its surrounding areas have many advantages, such as proximity to the German border and the local Special Economic Zone, which has a positive impact on the local economy. Since small and medium-sized developers dominate this market, Atal will be able to leverage its competitive advantages and expand its operations on a larger scale.

In terms of the industry, the real estate market in Poland has been experiencing steady growth in recent years. Economic stability, favorable mortgage conditions, and increasing urbanization have contributed to the demand for residential properties. This trend is expected to continue, with market forecasts predicting a positive outlook for the industry.

According to a report by CBRE, a global real estate services company, the Polish residential market is expected to remain strong, driven by factors such as growing employment, rising wages, and low interest rates. The report also highlights the increasing popularity of cities outside the traditional urban hubs, with emerging locations like Szczecin attracting attention from both developers and homebuyers.

However, the industry also faces challenges. One issue is the availability of affordable housing, particularly in major cities. The demand for housing in urban areas often outpaces the supply, leading to rising prices and affordability concerns. This poses a challenge for developers to provide housing options that are accessible to a wider range of buyers.

Another challenge is the impact of regulations and government policies on the real estate sector. Changes in legislation, such as new regulations on rental properties or construction permits, can affect the profitability and feasibility of projects. Developers need to closely monitor and adapt to these changes to ensure successful operations.

Overall, the real estate industry in Poland, including the activities of developers like Atal, is influenced by various factors such as market demand, economic conditions, and government policies. With careful planning, effective market analysis, and strategic investments, companies in the industry can navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the dynamic Polish market.

For more information about the Polish real estate market, you can visit the official website of the Polish Association of Developers, pte.pl. This organization provides industry insights, statistics, and resources for developers, investors, and other stakeholders in the real estate sector.

The source of the article is from the blog qhubo.com.ni

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