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Wzrost udzielonych kredytów mieszkaniowych w kwietniu

Opublikowano przez Adam Nowacki włączony 26 maja, 2024
Realistic HD photo of the growth of housing loans given in April

W kwietniu br. wartość udzielonych kredytów mieszkaniowych wzrosła o 93,2% rok do roku, osiągając wartość 6,77 miliarda złotych – podało Biuro Informacji Kredytowej (BIK). Choć nastąpił spadek w porównaniu do marca, zarówno jeśli chodzi o liczbę, jak i wartość zaciągniętych zobowiązań. Dane BIK pokazują, że od początku roku wartość udzielonych kredytów wzrosła o 204,4% do 33,93 mld zł. Jednak w kwietniu wartość kredytów spadła o 12,1% w porównaniu z poprzednim miesiącem. Liczba kredytów mieszkaniowych wzrosła o 66,8% w porównaniu do kwietnia 2023 r., ale spadła o 11,5% w stosunku do marca 2024 r. – do 16,4 tys. Od początku roku liczba kredytów wzrosła o 150,3% do 81,7 tys. w porównaniu do danych z 2023 roku.

Wpływ na nadal wysoką sprzedaż ma wyższa zdolność kredytowa, wynikająca przede wszystkim z wzrostu realnych wynagrodzeń (ok. 10%) oraz stabilizacji stóp procentowych na niższym poziomie o około 1,0 pkt proc. w porównaniu do poprzedniego roku – napisano w komentarzu Biura Informacji Kredytowej.

To przekłada się na wyższą wartość udzielanych kredytów mieszkaniowych. Średnia kwota udzielonego kredytu wyniosła 413,1 tys. zł w kwietniu br. i była o 15,8% wyższa niż rok wcześniej.

Warto jednak zaznaczyć, że mimo wzrostu udzielonych kredytów, kwiecień przyniósł duży spadek w porównaniu z rekordowym styczniem tego roku. Wartość udzielonych hipotek spadła o około 3,53 mld zł. Ponadto, liczba osób wnioskujących o kredyt mieszkaniowy również zmniejszyła się – z 46,34 tys. w grudniu 2023 r. do 32,36 tys. w kwietniu br.

BIK podkreśla, że brak programu Kredyt 2 proc. widać zarówno w spadku liczby wniosków, jak i wartości udzielonych kredytów. Spadek akcji kredytowej może być jednak częściowo zrekompensowany przez osoby, które w wyniku rosnących cen nieruchomości przyspieszą decyzję o kredycie, a ze względów formalnych nie mogą skorzystać z nowego programu Mieszkania na start. Pojawienie się tego rządowego programu może również wpłynąć na stymulację wzrostu cen nieruchomości – dodaje BIK.

The article discusses the increase in the value of housing loans granted in April compared to the previous year. According to the Credit Information Bureau (BIK), the value of housing loans increased by 93.2% year on year, reaching a value of 6.77 billion PLN. However, there was a decline compared to March in both the number and value of loans taken. BIK data shows that since the beginning of the year, the value of loans granted has increased by 204.4% to 33.93 billion PLN. However, in April, the value of loans decreased by 12.1% compared to the previous month.

Despite the decline in April, the number of housing loans increased by 66.8% compared to April 2023, but decreased by 11.5% compared to March 2024, reaching 16.4 thousand. Since the beginning of the year, the number of loans has increased by 150.3% to 81.7 thousand compared to 2023 data.

The higher creditworthiness resulting from the growth of real wages (about 10%) and the stabilization of interest rates at a lower level of about 1.0 percentage points compared to the previous year is the main factor contributing to the still high sales, as stated in the commentary from the Credit Information Bureau.

This translates into a higher value of granted housing loans. The average amount of a loan granted in April this year was 413.1 thousand PLN, which was 15.8% higher compared to the previous year.

However, it is worth noting that despite the increase in loans granted, April brought a significant decline compared to the record-breaking January of this year. The value of granted mortgages decreased by approximately 3.53 billion PLN. Moreover, the number of people applying for a housing loan also decreased, from 46.34 thousand in December 2023 to 32.36 thousand in April this year.

BIK emphasizes that the absence of the 2% Credit program is evident in both the decline in the number of applications and the value of granted loans. However, the decline in credit activity may be partially offset by individuals who, due to rising property prices, accelerate their decision to take a loan but cannot take advantage of the new „Mieszkania na start” program due to formal reasons. The introduction of this government program may also stimulate the growth of property prices, BIK adds.

Industry Insights:
The housing loan industry in Poland has witnessed significant growth in recent years. The increasing number of housing loans granted and the rising value of these loans indicate a strong demand for real estate and the willingness of individuals to invest in property. Factors such as stable interest rates and growing wages have contributed to the affordability and accessibility of housing loans for potential homebuyers.

However, despite this growth, there are certain issues and challenges in the industry that need to be addressed. One of the challenges is the potential impact of government programs, such as the „Mieszkania na start” program, on the stimulation of housing price growth. While these programs aim to support individuals in buying their first homes, they can also potentially lead to an increase in property prices, making it more challenging for some individuals to enter the housing market.

Another issue is the decline in the number of loan applications and the value of granted loans, which can be attributed to the absence of the 2% Credit program. This highlights the need for continuous government support and initiatives to encourage credit activity and facilitate access to housing loans for a broader range of individuals.

Market Forecasts:
Based on the trends observed in recent months, it is expected that the housing loan market in Poland will continue to experience growth. Factors such as favorable interest rates, increasing wages, and the overall demand for housing are likely to drive the market forward.

However, it is essential to monitor the potential impact of various government programs and initiatives on the market dynamics. The introduction of new programs or changes in existing ones can significantly influence the behavior of homebuyers and the overall performance of the housing loan industry.

Overall, the housing loan industry in Poland is expected to remain robust, driven by favorable market conditions and the increasing need for housing. As long as the factors contributing to the growth of the market, such as stable interest rates and rising wages, remain in place, the industry is likely to continue its upward trajectory.

For more information on the housing loan industry and market forecasts, you can visit the official website of the Credit Information Bureau (BIK) – https://bik.pl/en/.

The source of the article is from the blog be3.sk

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