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Sprzedaż nieruchomości w Dąbrowie Biskupiej

Opublikowano przez Adam Nowacki włączony 11 czerwca, 2024
A high-definition, realistic image representing the sale of properties in Dąbrowa Biskupia, Poland, showcasing a beautiful townscape with traditional Polish buildings, cobblestone streets, and lush, green vegetation. The foreground should include a real estate sign indicating the property is for sale.

Wójt Gminy Dąbrowa Biskupia ogłasza przetarg na sprzedaż nieruchomości w Radojewicach. Do licytacji trafi budynek niemieszkalny o powierzchni 128,11 m2 oraz budynek gospodarczy o powierzchni 36,30 m2 wraz z przylegającym gruntem. Położone na działce nr 240/1 o powierzchni 0,1285 ha, obiekty te wcześniej pełniły funkcję lokalnego ośrodka zdrowia.

Wycena nieruchomości wynosi 120 000,00 zł, natomiast kwota wadium to 12 000,00 zł. Warunkiem uczestnictwa w przetargu jest wpłacenie wadium do 11.07.2024 r. Przetarg odbędzie się 17.07.2024 r. o godzinie 10:00 w siedzibie Urzędu Gminy w Dąbrowie Biskupiej.

Szczegółowe informacje na temat sprzedaży oraz warunków przetargu dostępne są w Urzędzie Gminy w Dąbrowie Biskupiej, pokój nr 25 lub telefonicznie pod numerem 52 311 70 00 wew. 39. Ogłoszenie o przetargu zostało wywieszone na tablicach ogłoszeń Urzędu Gminy oraz sołectwa Radojewice, a także opublikowane na stronach internetowych Biuletynu Informacji Publicznej Gminy Dąbrowa Biskupia oraz Urzędu Gminy.

Przyjrzyjmy się bliżej tej niecodziennej ofercie sprzedaży nieruchomości w Dąbrowie Biskupiej.

The article discusses a public auction announced by the Mayor’s Office of Dąbrowa Biskupia commune for the sale of properties in Radojewice. The properties up for auction include a non-residential building with an area of 128.11 m2 and an outbuilding with an area of 36.30 m2, along with the adjacent land. Previously, these buildings served as a local health center.

The valuation of the properties is set at 120,000.00 PLN, with a deposit requirement of 12,000.00 PLN. Interested participants must submit the deposit by July 11, 2024, and the auction will take place on July 17, 2024, at 10:00 am at the Dąbrowa Biskupia Commune Office.

Detailed information regarding the sale and auction conditions can be obtained at the Dąbrowa Biskupia Commune Office, room number 25, or by calling 52 311 70 00 ext. 39. The auction announcement has been posted on the notice boards of the Commune Office and the Radojewice village, as well as published on the websites of the Public Information Bulletin of the Dąbrowa Biskupia Commune and the Commune Office.

Now, let’s delve into some additional information about the real estate industry in Dąbrowa Biskupia and the market forecasts and issues related to it.

The real estate industry in Dąbrowa Biskupia has been witnessing steady growth in recent years. The commune is located in a strategic location, with good connectivity to major cities and towns in the region. This, combined with the availability of land and favorable regulations, has attracted both individual buyers and real estate developers to the area.

Market forecasts suggest that the demand for residential and commercial properties in Dąbrowa Biskupia is expected to continue rising in the coming years. The commune’s proximity to urban centers and its pleasant living environment make it an attractive destination for those seeking a peaceful yet well-connected place to live or invest in property.

However, like any other real estate market, Dąbrowa Biskupia also faces certain challenges and issues. One of the major challenges is the scarcity of available land for new construction projects. As the demand for real estate grows, the supply of suitable land becomes limited, leading to increased competition among developers and potential buyers.

Another issue that affects the real estate industry is the fluctuation in property prices. While the prices have been steadily increasing, there can be fluctuations due to various factors such as changes in market conditions, economic instability, or regulatory changes. Potential buyers and sellers need to carefully assess market trends and seek professional advice to make informed decisions.

In conclusion, the auction of properties in Radojewice presents an interesting opportunity for individuals or investors looking to acquire real estate in Dąbrowa Biskupia. However, interested parties should also consider the broader industry trends, market forecasts, and potential challenges associated with the real estate market in the region.

The source of the article is from the blog mendozaextremo.com.ar

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