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Sprzedaż budynku Piekarni w Mszanie Dolnej

Opublikowano przez Adam Nowacki włączony 21 czerwca, 2024
Generate a realistic, high-definition image of a bakery building for sale in a place that has the aesthetics and ambience of a small Polish town like Mszana Dolna.

Zarząd Gminnej Spółdzielni „Samopomoc Chłopska” ogłasza przetarg na sprzedaż nieruchomości położonej przy ul. L. Mroza 6, w Mszanie Dolnej. Budynek piekarni o powierzchni zabudowy 1174 m² jest objęty KW nr NS2L/00023171/0 prowadzonej przez Sąd Rejonowy w Limanowej. Cena wywoławcza została ustalona na 2 970 000 zł, z doliczeniem 23% podatku VAT.

Zasady i warunki przetargu zostały określone w regulaminie, dostępnym w siedzibie Spółdzielni w Mszanie Dolnej. Oferty pisemne zawierające proponowaną cenę należy składać do dnia 05.07.2024r. godz. 15:00. Wadium w wysokości 450 000 zł musi być wpłacone na konto Spółdzielni najpóźniej do tego samego dnia.

Otwarcie ofert i rozpoczęcie części ustnej przetargu odbędzie się 09.07.2024r. o godz. 11:00 w siedzibie Spółdzielni. Przystąpienie do przetargu wymaga wpłacenia wadium oraz złożenia oświadczenia potwierdzającego zapoznanie się z regulaminem i warunkami przetargu.

Komisji Przetargowej przysługuje prawo do odwołania lub unieważnienia przetargu, a także przerwania postępowania bez podania przyczyny. Szczegółowe informacje można uzyskać w biurze sekretariatu Spółdzielni lub pod numerem telefonu 18 33 10 002 od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach od 7:00 do 15:00.

W przypadku zainteresowania zakupem nieruchomości, zachęcamy do zapoznania się z warunkami przetargu i składania ofert w wyznaczonym terminie.

The article announces a tender for the sale of a property located at L. Mroza 6 street in Mszana Dolna by the Management of the Gminna Spółdzielnia „Samopomoc Chłopska”. The building, which is a bakery with a footprint of 1174 m², is subject to land and mortgage register number NS2L/00023171/0 maintained by the District Court in Limanowa. The reserve price has been set at 2,970,000 PLN, with an additional 23% VAT.

The rules and conditions of the tender have been defined in the regulations, which can be obtained at the headquarters of the Cooperative in Mszana Dolna. Written offers containing the proposed price must be submitted by July 5, 2024, at 15:00. A deposit in the amount of 450,000 PLN must be paid to the Cooperative’s account no later than the same day.

The opening of offers and the start of the oral part of the tender will take place on July 9, 2024, at 11:00 at the Cooperative’s headquarters. Participation in the tender requires the payment of a deposit and the submission of a declaration confirming familiarity with the regulations and conditions of the tender.

The Tender Commission has the right to cancel or invalidate the tender, as well as to suspend the proceedings without giving a reason. Detailed information can be obtained at the secretariat office of the Cooperative or by calling the phone number 18 33 10 002 from Monday to Friday between 7:00 and 15:00.

If you are interested in purchasing the property, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the tender conditions and submit offers within the specified deadline.

Industry Overview:
The real estate industry is an essential sector in the economy, encompassing the buying, selling, and development of properties. It is a highly competitive industry that is influenced by various factors such as economic conditions, population growth, and government policies. The value of the real estate market is influenced by trends in both residential and commercial properties.

Market Forecasts:
According to market analysts, the real estate market is expected to experience steady growth in the coming years. Factors such as low-interest rates, urbanization, and increased disposable income are expected to drive demand for both residential and commercial properties. Market forecasts indicate that emerging markets, such as Asia-Pacific and Latin America, will play a significant role in the global real estate industry.

Issues in the Real Estate Industry:
The real estate industry faces various challenges and issues that impact its growth and stability. Some of the key issues include:

1. Housing affordability: Rising property prices and stagnant wages have made homeownership unaffordable for many individuals and families, leading to a shortage of affordable housing options.

2. Sustainability and environmental concerns: With increasing awareness of climate change and environmental impact, there is a growing demand for sustainable and energy-efficient buildings. The industry is grappling with the need to adopt eco-friendly practices and reduce carbon footprints.

3. Regulatory changes: The real estate industry is subject to various regulations and policies, which can have a significant impact on property values and investment opportunities. Changes in zoning laws, tax regulations, or lending policies can affect market dynamics and profitability.

4. Technological advancements: The emergence of new technologies such as virtual reality, blockchain, and artificial intelligence is transforming the way real estate transactions are conducted. Companies need to adapt to these technological advancements to remain competitive in the market.

For more information on the real estate industry and related market forecasts, you can visit reputable sources such as Realtor.com, National Association of Realtors, or Inman. These websites provide valuable insights and analysis on the industry trends, market forecasts, and issues affecting the real estate sector.

The source of the article is from the blog enp.gr

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