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Zwiększone wsparcie dla kredytobiorców w Polsce

Opublikowano przez Adam Nowacki włączony 17 marca, 2024
Realistic high-definition photo of increased support for borrowers in Poland

Ministerstwo Finansów ogłosiło zwiększone wsparcie dla osób mających trudności ze spłatą kredytów w Polsce. Od 1 maja 2024 roku będą obowiązywały tzw. „wakacje kredytowe”, które umożliwią zawieszenie spłaty rat kredytowych na okres do 4 miesięcy, bez dodatkowych odsetek. Osoby, których kredyt nie przekracza 1,2 mln zł oraz ponoszą wydatki związane z kredytem w wysokości przekraczającej 30% dochodów lub utrzymują co najmniej trójkę dzieci, będą mogły skorzystać z tej formy wsparcia.

W ramach Funduszu Wsparcia Kredytobiorców również od 1 maja 2024 roku zostanie zwiększona kwota dochodu, która uprawnia do otrzymania wsparcia lub pożyczki na spłatę zadłużenia. Kredytobiorcy, których rata przekracza 40% dochodu gospodarstwa domowego, będą mogli ubiegać się o pomoc z tego funduszu. Ponadto, wskaźnik ten zostanie obniżony z obecnych 50% do 40%.

Podczas „wakacji kredytowych” kredytobiorcy nie płacą rat kapitałowo-odsetkowych, z wyjątkiem ewentualnych opłat z tytułu ubezpieczenia kredytu. Wniosek o wakacje kredytowe będzie można złożyć od 1 maja 2024 roku w swoim banku, zarówno osobiście jak i przez bankowość elektroniczną.

Zwiększone wsparcie ma na celu pomóc osobom znajdującym się w trudnej sytuacji finansowej i umożliwić im złagodzenie obciążeń związanych z kredytami. To także dobra wiadomość dla tych, którzy skorzystali z „wakacji kredytowych” w poprzednim roku, ponieważ również w tym roku będą mogli o nie wystąpić.

The increased support announced by the Ministry of Finance for individuals facing difficulties in loan repayment in Poland is aimed at providing relief to those struggling with their credit obligations. Starting from May 1, 2024, the implementation of so-called „credit holidays” will allow for the suspension of loan repayments for up to 4 months, with no additional interest charges. Individuals whose loan does not exceed 1.2 million PLN and who incur expenses related to the loan exceeding 30% of their income, or those who have at least three children, will be eligible for this form of support.

Additionally, as part of the Credit Borrowers Support Fund, starting from May 1, 2024, the income threshold that qualifies for assistance or a loan to repay debt will be increased. Borrowers whose repayments exceed 40% of their household income will be able to apply for assistance from this fund. Furthermore, this threshold will be reduced from the current 50% to 40%.

During the „credit holidays,” borrowers will not be required to make capital and interest payments, with the exception of any insurance charges related to the loan. Applications for credit holidays can be submitted to their respective banks starting from May 1, 2024, either in person or through electronic banking.

The increased support aims to assist individuals in difficult financial situations and alleviate the burden of loan repayments for them. This is also good news for those who took advantage of the „credit holidays” in the previous year, as they will be able to request them again this year.

For more information on the Ministry of Finance’s support measures and the Credit Borrowers Support Fund, you can visit their official website here.

Regarding the industry and market forecasts, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the loan industry globally, including Poland. With the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic, many individuals have faced difficulties in meeting their financial obligations. As a result, governments and financial institutions have introduced various support measures to alleviate the burden on borrowers.

In the case of Poland, the implementation of „credit holidays” and the increased income threshold for assistance from the Credit Borrowers Support Fund are expected to provide relief to individuals facing financial challenges. These measures are likely to have a positive impact on the loan industry by reducing the risk of defaults and supporting borrowers in managing their debt.

However, it is important to note that the long-term effects of these support measures on the loan industry and the overall economy are still uncertain. While they provide immediate relief, there may be implications for the financial stability of banks and other lending institutions, as well as potential challenges in ensuring a smooth recovery of the credit market.

For a broader understanding of the loan industry in Poland and its market forecasts, you can refer to reputable financial and economic research institutions or organizations specializing in banking and finance in the country.

One such organization that provides insights and analysis on the Polish loan industry and related issues is the Polish Banking Association. You can visit their website here for more information.

Please keep in mind that market forecasts and industry-specific information may vary, and it is advisable to consult multiple reliable sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the loan industry in Poland.

The source of the article is from the blog myshopsguide.com

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