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Tarnowski akademik przechodzi gruntowny remont, a nie budowę nowego obiektu

Opublikowano przez Adam Nowacki włączony 20 marca, 2024
Realistic high-definition image of the comprehensive renovation of Tarnowski dormitory, not the construction of a new building

Tarnowski Dom Studenta, który znajduje się przy ulicy Słowackiego, zamiast budowy nowego obiektu, przystąpi do gruntownego remontu. Prace mają ruszyć 1 lipca i obejmować będą zmiany w wnętrzu oraz redukcję liczby osób w pokojach.

Planowane zmiany obejmują całkowity remont parteru, pierwszego piętra i drugiego piętra, które będą modernizowane z usunięciem dotychczasowego wyposażenia. W rezultacie powstaną piękne kuchnie oraz pokoje dwuosobowe zamiast trzyosobowych, które były dostępne dotychczas. Również część pokoi będzie przeznaczona na cele hotelowe, które obecnie nie są wynajmowane przez osoby związane z uczelnią, ponieważ coraz mniej dydaktyków z Krakowa przyjeżdża do Tarnowa.

Rektor uczelni, dr hab. Małgorzata Kołpa, podkreśla, że w obecnej chwili w akademiku jest około 20 wolnych miejsc. Dzięki dodatkowym pokojom hotelowym liczba miejsc będzie jeszcze większa. Z tego powodu nie ma potrzeby rozpoczynania budowy nowego obiektu.

Remont Domu Studenta ma na celu poprawę jakości życia i nauki studentów. Nowe wnętrza zapewnią im wygodę i komfort, a zmniejszenie liczby osób w pokojach przyczyni się do lepszej jakości życia na terenie akademika.

Prace modernizacyjne rozpoczynają się już niebawem i ich efekty będą widoczne w niedalekiej przyszłości. Odnawiany akademik będzie zapewniał studentom najlepsze warunki pobytu, co pozytywnie wpłynie na ich samopoczucie oraz efektywność nauki.

The Tarnowski Dom Studenta is a student dormitory located in Tarnów, Poland. Instead of constructing a new facility, the dormitory management has decided to undergo a comprehensive renovation. The renovation works are scheduled to commence on July 1st and will include changes to the interior and a reduction in the number of occupants per room.

The planned changes entail a complete refurbishment of the ground floor, first floor, and second floor, including the removal of the existing furnishings. As a result, beautiful kitchens and twin rooms will be created instead of the previous three-person accommodations. Additionally, a portion of the rooms will be designated for hotel purposes, which are currently not rented out to individuals associated with the university due to a decreasing number of visiting lecturers from Krakow.

The university’s rector, Dr. Małgorzata Kołpa, emphasizes that there are currently around 20 vacant spots in the dormitory. With the addition of the hotel rooms, the number of available spaces will increase even further. Consequently, there is no need for the construction of a new facility.

The renovation of the Tarnowski Dom Studenta aims to improve the quality of life and learning for the students. The new interior design will provide them with comfort and convenience, while the reduction in room occupancy will contribute to a better quality of life on the dormitory premises.

The modernization works are set to commence soon, and their effects will be visible in the near future. The renovated dormitory will offer students the best living conditions, positively impacting their well-being and learning efficiency. The changes are expected to create an ideal environment for students to thrive.

Industry and Market Outlook: The student accommodation industry, both globally and in Poland, has been experiencing significant growth in recent years. With the increasing number of students pursuing higher education, the demand for affordable and comfortable living spaces has risen. In Poland, factors such as the country’s growing reputation as a study destination and the expansion of international exchange programs have contributed to the demand for student accommodation.

According to market forecasts, the student housing market in Poland is expected to continue its upward trajectory. The increasing enrollment rates in universities, coupled with the rising number of international students, have fueled the need for purpose-built student accommodations (PBSAs). This trend presents opportunities for both existing accommodation providers, such as the Tarnowski Dom Studenta, and new entrants in the market.

However, the industry also faces several challenges. One of the key issues is the limited supply of student housing, particularly in popular study destinations. This leads to higher rental prices and a higher competition among students for available spaces. Additionally, maintaining a balance between affordability and quality remains a challenge for accommodation providers. Students often prioritize living in well-maintained accommodations with modern amenities and a conducive learning environment.

As for the Tarnowski Dom Studenta, the decision to renovate rather than construct a new facility reflects a strategic approach to meet the demand for student housing. By adapting to the changing needs and preferences of students, the dormitory aims to remain competitive in the market while providing a high standard of living for its residents.

For additional information on the student housing industry in Poland, you can visit the Princeton Study website, which offers in-depth analyses and market reports on various aspects of the industry.

The source of the article is from the blog revistatenerife.com

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