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Mieszkanie z potencjałem w atrakcyjnej lokalizacji

Opublikowano przez Marcin Strzembosz włączony 31 marca, 2024
Realistic high-definition image of a potential-filled apartment in an attractive location

W Sanoku, w dzielnicy Olchowce, na pierwszym piętrze budynku przy ul. Batorego, znajduje się nowe mieszkanie o numerze 7B/2, które jeszcze czeka na swojego właściciela.

Nieruchomość o powierzchni 68m2 posiada także dodatkowe poddasze o powierzchni 35m2. Mieszkanie oferuje oddzielne wejście oraz miejsce postojowe na wewnętrznym parkingu z kostki brukowej.

Jednym z atutów mieszkania są dwa szerokie balkony, usytuowane z jednej strony na południe, a z drugiej na północ. Dzięki nim można cieszyć się zarówno porannym słońcem, jak i wieczornym widokiem na okolicę.

W skład mieszkania wchodzi salon z aneksem kuchennym o powierzchni 22,02 m2, trzy pokoje o różnych metrażach (od 6,40 m2 do 9,13 m2), dwie łazienki (od 1,37 m2 do 5,79 m2), przedpokój oraz wiatrołap.

Standard wykończenia obejmuje antywłamaniowe drzwi wejściowe, tynki gipsowe, wylewki betonowe z ogrzewaniem podłogowym, ściany działowe, elektryczne rolety zewnętrzne, okna trzyszybowe PCV oraz piec dwufunkcyjny.

Istnieje także możliwość wykończenia mieszkania z pomocą doświadczonej ekipy remontowej przy współpracy z projektantem wnętrz.

Jeśli szukasz mieszkania z potencjałem, to ta oferta z rynku pierwotnego jest właśnie dla Ciebie. Skontaktuj się z biurem sprzedaży DELIMART nieruchomości, aby uzyskać więcej informacji i umówić się na prezentację.

[email protected]
tel.: +48 607 109 500
ul. Mickiewicza 29 lok. 218, 38-500 Sanok
(Budynek Dom Turysty, II piętro)

The article discusses a new apartment for sale in the Olchowce district in Sanok. The property has a total area of 68m2 and includes an additional attic with an area of 35m2. It offers a separate entrance and a parking space in the internal cobblestone parking lot. One of the highlights of the apartment is its two wide balconies, one facing south and the other facing north, providing both morning sun and evening views of the surroundings.

The apartment consists of a living room with a kitchenette measuring 22.02 m2, three rooms of various sizes (ranging from 6.40 m2 to 9.13 m2), two bathrooms (ranging from 1.37 m2 to 5.79 m2), a hallway, and an entrance hall. The standard finishes include anti-burglary entrance doors, plastered walls, concrete screeds with underfloor heating, partition walls, electric external blinds, triple-glazed PVC windows, and a dual-function heating system.

There is also the option to have the apartment finished with the assistance of an experienced renovation team in collaboration with an interior designer.

This offer is part of the primary market, making it suitable for those looking for a property with potential. Interested individuals can contact the DELIMART real estate sales office for more information and to arrange a presentation. The contact details for DELIMART are as follows:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +48 607 109 500
Address: ul. Mickiewicza 29 lok. 218, 38-500 Sanok
(Building Dom Turysty, 2nd floor)

Industry Overview:

The real estate industry in Poland has experienced significant growth in recent years. According to market reports, the demand for residential properties has been steadily increasing, driven by factors such as population growth, urbanization, and a stable economy. Sanok, with its attractive location and amenities, is considered to be a promising market for real estate investments.

Market Forecasts:

Market forecasts for the real estate sector in Sanok suggest that the demand for apartments, particularly those with desirable features like balconies and parking spaces, is expected to remain strong. The growing interest in primary market properties, as highlighted by the article, indicates that there is a demand for new and modern housing options in the area.

Issues and Challenges:

While there are opportunities for investors and buyers in the real estate market, there are also challenges to consider. One of the challenges is the increasing property prices, especially in high-demand areas. This can make it difficult for some individuals to afford a property or limit their options within their budget.

Another challenge is the limited availability of land for new developments in established areas. This scarcity can result in higher prices and increased competition among developers. However, the demand for properties with unique features, such as the mentioned balconies and parking spaces, can present an advantage for sellers and developers.

For more information on the real estate market in Sanok and other available properties, you can visit DELIMART website, the real estate agency mentioned in the article.

The source of the article is from the blog aovotice.cz

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