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Zalety zakupu mieszkania pod Wrocławiem

Opublikowano przez Marcin Strzembosz włączony 2 kwietnia, 2024
A photograph with high definition details showcasing the benefits of purchasing an apartment in a location near Wrocław, Poland. It includes views of the surrounding landscapes, a peaceful neighborhood, with a detailed look at some accessible amenities such as parks and local shops. It encapsulates the tranquility, cultural richness, and modern living facilities nearby.

Ceny nieruchomości w Wrocławiu ciągle rosną, co sprawia, że wiele osób zastanawia się, jak znaleźć idealne rozwiązanie, które pozwoli im korzystać z zalet miasta, jednocześnie unikając jego tłoku i kosztów. Okazuje się, że taka możliwość istnieje – wystarczy zainwestować w mieszkanie w jednej z podwrocławskich miejscowości.

Metr kwadratowy mieszkania we Wrocławiu kosztuje dziś średnio 11 474 zł na rynku wtórnym, a nawet 13 333 zł na rynku pierwotnym. W porównaniu do tego, ceny w okolicach Wrocławia są znacznie bardziej przystępne. Według analityków z portalu RynekPierwotny.pl, za metr kwadratowy z rynku pierwotnego zapłacimy tam średnio 8 135 zł.

Jak to możliwe? Kluczową rolę odgrywają tutaj dostępność gruntów i ich cena. W podmiejskich miejscowościach, które otaczają duże miasta, grunty są po prostu tańsze. Co więcej, w takich lokalizacjach dominuje standardowy segment rynku mieszkań, podczas gdy w metropoliach ceny metra kwadratowego są zawyżane przez drogie mieszkania premium, przeznaczone dla zamożnych nabywców.

Sprawdzając oferty mieszkań używanych i nowych w popularnych podwrocławskich miejscowościach, takich jak Siechnice, Długołęka, Kąty Wrocławskie i Trzebnica, można zauważyć, że średnie ceny za metr kwadratowy mieszkań wahają się od 8 115 zł do 10 147 zł. W porównaniu do kosztów mieszkań we Wrocławiu, które sięgają nawet 630 tys. zł dla dwupokojowego lokalu, inwestując w mieszkanie pod Wrocławiem można zaoszczędzić nawet 200 tys. zł.

Niestety, jednym z mankamentów poszukiwania mieszkania pod Wrocławiem jest ograniczona liczba ofert. W miejscowościach takich jak Siechnice czy Długołęka dostępnych jest tylko kilkanaście mieszkań, podczas gdy we Wrocławiu tego typu ofert jest prawie 2000. Jednak dla osób, które mają więcej czasu i cierpliwości, inwestowanie w mieszkanie pod Wrocławiem może być opłacalnym i satysfakcjonującym rozwiązaniem.

The real estate market in Wrocław has been experiencing a continuous increase in prices, leading many people to look for alternative solutions to enjoy the benefits of the city while avoiding its crowdedness and high costs. Investing in an apartment in one of the suburban areas surrounding Wrocław seems to be a viable option.

Currently, the average price per square meter of an apartment in Wrocław is around 11,474 PLN on the secondary market and even 13,333 PLN on the primary market. In comparison, prices in the surrounding areas of Wrocław are much more affordable. According to analysts from the RynekPierwotny.pl portal, the average price per square meter on the primary market in these suburban locations is 8,135 PLN.

The key factors contributing to these more reasonable prices are the availability and cost of land. In suburban areas surrounding large cities, land is simply cheaper. Furthermore, these locations tend to be dominated by standard housing segments, while the metropolitan areas have higher prices per square meter due to expensive premium apartments targeted at affluent buyers.

When exploring the offers of used and new flats in popular suburban areas such as Siechnice, Długołęka, Kąty Wrocławskie, and Trzebnica, one can observe that the average prices per square meter range from 8,115 PLN to 10,147 PLN. In comparison to the costs of apartments in Wrocław, which can reach up to 630,000 PLN for a two-room flat, investing in an apartment outside of Wrocław can result in savings of up to 200,000 PLN.

Unfortunately, one of the downsides of searching for an apartment near Wrocław is the limited number of available offers. In places like Siechnice or Długołęka, there are only a few dozen apartments available, while in Wrocław, there are almost 2,000 similar offers. However, for those who have more time and patience, investing in an apartment near Wrocław can prove to be a profitable and satisfying solution.

Industry and Market Forecasts:
The real estate industry in Poland has been steadily growing over the years, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years. According to market forecasts, the demand for housing in cities like Wrocław is likely to increase due to urbanization and population growth. This will likely lead to further price increases, making investing in suburban areas even more attractive.

However, it is important to note that the real estate market is influenced by various factors such as the overall economic situation, interest rates, and government policies. Changes in any of these areas can impact the demand and prices in the market.

Issues Related to the Industry or Product:
One of the main issues related to investing in apartments in suburban areas is the limited availability of offers. As mentioned earlier, there are significantly fewer options available compared to the city center. This can make it challenging for potential buyers to find the right property that meets their needs and preferences.

Another issue to consider is the potential lack of infrastructure and amenities in suburban areas. While these locations may offer more affordable prices, they might have limited access to public transportation, schools, and other facilities. Buyers should carefully evaluate the surrounding infrastructure before making a decision.

Furthermore, investing in real estate always carries certain risks, such as market fluctuations and potential difficulties in selling the property in the future. Buyers should conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and carefully evaluate the potential risks and rewards before investing in an apartment in a suburban area near Wrocław.

For more information on the real estate market in Poland, you can visit the RynekPierwotny.pl website, which provides valuable insights and data on the industry and market trends.

In summary, investing in an apartment in a suburban area near Wrocław can offer more affordable prices compared to the city center. However, the limited availability of offers and potential lack of infrastructure should be taken into consideration. Conducting thorough research and carefully evaluating the risks and rewards is crucial before making an investment decision in this market.

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