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Ceny mieszkań w Polsce będą kontynuować wzrost — ekspert

Opublikowano przez Marcin Strzembosz włączony 10 kwietnia, 2024
Realistic high-definition image of the text 'Housing prices in Poland will continue to rise — expert' in a newspaper-style layout with a background of cityscape showing modern apartment buildings.

Ceny mieszkań w Polsce mają nadal rosnąć w najbliższych latach, twierdzi Marek Wielgo z portalu rynekpierwotny.pl. Jego zdaniem, wiele czynników wpływa na tę tendencję, w tym wzrost cen działek oraz kosztów budowy, zwłaszcza robocizny. Choć ostatnio ceny materiałów budowlanych ustabilizowały się, oczekuje się dalszego wzrostu cen mieszkań.

Wiem, że jeszcze rok temu można było kupić mieszkania w Warszawie po cenie do 10 tysięcy złotych za metr kwadratowy, jednak obecnie takie oferty są rzadkie. Według danych z marca, aż 23 procent mieszkań w ofercie deweloperów w stolicy miało cenę powyżej 20 tysięcy złotych za metr kwadratowy. Warto też zauważyć, że luksusowe apartamenty były jeszcze droższe.

Aby zrównoważyć wzrost cen, Marek Wielgo sugeruje, że deweloperzy powinni wprowadzić na rynek większą liczbę mieszkań w segmencie popularnym, czyli o cenach w granicach 12-15 tysięcy złotych za metr kwadratowy. Dotychczas budowali oni głównie dla klientów zamożnych, co przyczyniło się do wzrostu średniej ceny metra kwadratowego.

Ekspert podkreśla jednak, że jeśli ktoś planuje kupić mieszkanie na własne potrzeby, nie ma dobrego ani złego momentu. Wpływ na decyzję mają indywidualne potrzeby i możliwości finansowe. Natomiast jeśli celem jest inwestowanie i zarabianie na wzroście cen, warto zastanowić się nad sprzedażą już posiadanej nieruchomości przy perspektywie dalszego wzrostu cen.

According to Marek Wielgo from rynekpierwotny.pl, apartment prices in Poland are expected to continue rising in the coming years. This trend can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing prices of land and construction costs, especially labor. Although the prices of building materials have stabilized recently, further increases in apartment prices are anticipated.

Just a year ago, it was possible to buy apartments in Warsaw for prices below 10,000 złotych per square meter. However, such offers are now rare. According to data from March, as many as 23 percent of the apartments offered by developers in the capital city had prices exceeding 20,000 złotych per square meter. It is also worth noting that luxury apartments were even more expensive.

To balance the price increase, Marek Wielgo suggests that developers should introduce a greater number of apartments in the popular segment, which would have prices ranging from 12,000 to 15,000 złotych per square meter. So far, they have mainly built for wealthy clients, which has contributed to the increase in the average price per square meter.

However, the expert emphasizes that there is no good or bad moment to buy an apartment for personal use. Individual needs and financial possibilities are the decisive factors in making such a decision. On the other hand, if the goal is to invest and profit from price appreciation, it might be worth considering selling the property already owned, given the expectation of further price increases.

Industry and Market Forecast: The real estate industry in Poland has been experiencing a significant growth in recent years. According to a report by PwC, the market is expected to continue growing at a steady rate. Factors such as a strong economy, low interest rates, and increased foreign investment have contributed to this positive forecast. The demand for housing, especially in urban areas, is expected to remain high, driving the growth of the market. Additionally, the government’s initiatives to support the construction sector, such as the „Mieszkanie Plus” program, which aims to increase the supply of affordable housing, are further expected to fuel the market’s growth.

Challenges and Issues: Despite the positive market forecast, there are several challenges and issues that the real estate industry in Poland faces. One of the main challenges is the increasing cost of land, which has a direct impact on the prices of properties. The limited availability of suitable land at affordable prices can hinder the construction of new developments, especially in desirable locations. Additionally, the rising construction costs, including labor, materials, and regulatory compliance, pose a significant challenge for developers. These cost increases can lead to higher prices for buyers and potentially reduce the affordability of housing.

Another issue in the market is the lack of diversity in the types of housing being developed. As mentioned earlier, there is a need for more affordable housing options to cater to the middle-income segment. The focus on luxury and high-end developments has led to a shortage of properties with more accessible price ranges. This not only affects potential buyers but also contributes to the overall increase in average apartment prices.

To address these challenges and meet the demands of various market segments, developers and stakeholders are encouraged to explore innovative solutions, such as sustainable and affordable housing initiatives. Collaborations between public and private sectors can also play a crucial role in facilitating the development of quality housing that meets the needs of different income groups.

Related Links:
1. PwC Poland Website
2. Mieszkanie Plus Program

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