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Mieszkania wtórne w Wrocławiu droższe od nowych inwestycji!

Opublikowano przez Adam Nowacki włączony 31 maja, 2024

Badania przeprowadzone przez Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny przyniosły zaskakujące wyniki dotyczące rynku mieszkaniowego we Wrocławiu. Według raportu opublikowanego przez instytut, ceny mieszkań z rynku wtórnego okazały się wyższe niż te z rynku pierwotnego. To oznacza, że metr kwadratowy mieszkania kupionego od dewelopera jest obecnie tańszy niż ten sam metr kwadratowy mieszkania z rynku wtórnego w stolicy Dolnego Śląska.

To zaskakujące odkrycie bierze się z kilku czynników. Jednym z nich jest lokalizacja. Mieszkania z rynku wtórnego, które zostały zbudowane wiele lat temu, znajdują się w bliskiej odległości od centrum miasta i mają dobrze rozwiniętą infrastrukturę. Natomiast wiele nowych inwestycji powstaje na obrzeżach Wrocławia, z dala od centrum.

Dlatego też, pomimo głośnych inwestycji w centrum miasta, ceny mieszkań tam wciąż rosną. Według danych z raportu, w porównaniu do zeszłego roku, wzrost kosztów zakupu mieszkania z rynku pierwotnego wynosił 19,5 proc., a z rynku wtórnego aż 23,5 proc.

Wrocław znajduje się w gronie pięciu analizowanych aglomeracji, w których metr kwadratowy mieszkania z rynku wtórnego jest droższy niż ten sam metr z rynku pierwotnego. To pokazuje, że w obecnym czasie bardziej opłacalne jest kupowanie mieszkań od deweloperów, niż szukanie ofert na rynku wtórnym.

Choć ta tendencja może być zaskakująca, to warto zwrócić uwagę na fakt, że rynek mieszkaniowy jest dynamiczny i zmienny. Wartość metra kwadratowego mieszkania może się różnić w zależności od wielu czynników, takich jak lokalizacja, stan techniczny budynku czy dostępność infrastruktury.

Wrocław z pewnością nadal będzie przyciągał inwestorów i kupujących, jednak w obecnej sytuacji warto rozważyć korzyści z zakupu mieszkania od dewelopera, który oferuje nowsze inwestycje w atrakcyjnych lokalizacjach.

The real estate market in Wrocław, Poland has recently seen a surprising trend, as revealed in a report by the Polish Economic Institute. The report shows that prices of second-hand apartments are higher than those of new apartments. This means that the price per square meter of an apartment purchased from a developer is currently lower than the same per square meter of an apartment on the secondary market in the capital of Lower Silesia.

This unexpected discovery can be attributed to several factors, with one of them being location. Many of the second-hand apartments, which were built many years ago, are situated in close proximity to the city center and have well-developed infrastructure. On the other hand, many new developments are being constructed on the outskirts of Wrocław, far away from the center.

As a result, even with the buzz surrounding investments in the city center, apartment prices there continue to rise. According to the report, compared to the previous year, the cost of purchasing an apartment on the primary market increased by 19.5%, while on the secondary market it rose by a whopping 23.5%.

Wrocław is one of the five analyzed metropolitan areas where the price per square meter of an apartment on the secondary market is higher than that of a new apartment. This indicates that currently, it is more cost-effective to buy apartments from developers rather than searching for offers on the secondary market.

Although this trend may be surprising, it is important to note that the real estate market is dynamic and subject to change. The value per square meter of an apartment can vary depending on various factors, such as location, building condition, and availability of infrastructure.

Wrocław will undoubtedly continue to attract investors and buyers. However, in the current situation, it is worth considering the benefits of purchasing apartments from developers, who offer newer investments in attractive locations.

Industry and Market Forecasts:

Looking ahead, the real estate market in Wrocław is expected to remain active and competitive. According to industry experts, the demand for housing in the city is projected to continue growing due to various factors. These include a strong economy, increasing population, and urban development initiatives.

The city’s strategic location, as a transportation hub in Western Poland, further contributes to its attractiveness for real estate investments. With excellent connections to other major cities in Poland and Europe, Wrocław offers opportunities for both residential and commercial properties.

However, it is important to keep in mind the potential challenges and risks associated with the real estate industry. Market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and economic uncertainties can impact property prices and demand. Therefore, it is crucial for investors and buyers to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and choose their investments wisely.

Industry Issues:

One of the key issues in the real estate industry in Wrocław is the supply-demand imbalance. Despite the continuous construction of new residential projects, the growing demand for housing in the city is outpacing the supply. This has led to rising prices, especially in sought-after areas.

Additionally, the issue of affordability is becoming more prominent. As prices increase, particularly in the city center, many potential buyers are finding it challenging to enter the market. This has led to a rise in demand for more affordable housing options, such as smaller apartments or those located in suburban areas.

Furthermore, the issue of sustainability and energy efficiency is gaining importance in the real estate sector. Buyers and investors are increasingly considering eco-friendly features, such as green building certifications and energy-saving technologies. This trend is driven by both environmental consciousness and the potential for long-term cost savings.

To stay updated on the latest news and developments in the real estate industry in Wrocław, check out this website for reliable information.

Overall, while the real estate market in Wrocław presents opportunities for investors and buyers, it is essential to remain vigilant, informed, and adaptable to the ever-evolving dynamics of the industry.

The source of the article is from the blog smartphonemagazine.nl

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