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Najdroższe lokalizacje na letnie mieszkanie w Polsce

Opublikowano przez Marcin Strzembosz włączony 22 czerwca, 2024
Realistic HD photo of the most expensive summer house locations in Poland

Wielgo, ekspert z BIG DATA RynekPierwotny.pl, podkreśla, że posiadanie mieszkania wakacyjnego może być kosztowne. Według danych firmy deweloperskiej, najwyższa średnia cena metra kwadratowego mieszkań znajduje się w Świnoujściu i wynosi aż 1,3 mln zł, co przekłada się na około 28 tys. zł za metr kwadratowy.

Mikołajki, choć nieco tańsze od Świnoujścia, są drugą najdroższą lokalizacją z ceną około 26,8 tys. zł za metr kwadratowy. Na trzecim miejscu uplasowały się Międzyzdroje, gdzie deweloperzy oczekują średnio 25,5 tys. zł za metr kwadratowy.

Poza tym, na liście dziesięciu najdroższych lokalizacji można znaleźć Zakopane, Krynicę Morską, Hel, Dziwnów, Karpacz, Ustronie Morskie i Dźwirzyno. W ostatniej z wymienionych miejscowości, mieszkania w ofercie deweloperów kosztują średnio powyżej 18,1 tys. zł za metr kwadratowy.

Wielgo komentuje, że większość najdroższych lokalizacji turystycznych znajduje się nad morzem. Szokujące mogą być również ceny mieszkań w innych nadmorskich kurortach, takich jak Darłowo, Jastrzębia Góra, Mielno, Pogorzelica, Łeba, Rogowo czy Gąski. Tam ceny sięgają średnio 16,5 tys. zł za metr kwadratowy, czyli nawet więcej niż w Gdańsku czy Kołobrzegu.

The article discusses the high costs of owning a holiday apartment in Poland. It highlights that the average price per square meter is highest in Świnoujście, where it amounts to 1.3 million PLN (about 340,000 USD), equivalent to approximately 28,000 PLN (7,300 USD) per square meter.

Following Świnoujście, Mikołajki is mentioned as the second most expensive location, with prices averaging around 26,800 PLN (7,000 USD) per square meter. Międzyzdroje ranks third, with developers expecting an average of 25,500 PLN (6,600 USD) per square meter.

Other expensive locations listed in the top ten include Zakopane, Krynica Morska, Hel, Dziwnów, Karpacz, Ustronie Morskie, and Dźwirzyno. In Dźwirzyno, for example, apartments offered by developers cost on average above 18,100 PLN (4,700 USD) per square meter.

The expert mentioned in the article, Wielgo, comments that most of the expensive tourist locations are situated along the coast. Surprisingly high prices can also be found in other seaside resorts such as Darłowo, Jastrzębia Góra, Mielno, Pogorzelica, Łeba, Rogowo, and Gąski. The average prices there reach 16,500 PLN (4,300 USD) per square meter, which is even higher than in major cities like Gdańsk or Kołobrzeg.

These high prices in popular tourist destinations indicate the strong demand for holiday apartments in Poland’s coastal areas. Investors and developers are capitalizing on this demand, resulting in rising property prices. This trend is driven by both domestic and international buyers seeking vacation homes in attractive and sought-after locations.

Industry Overview: The real estate industry in Poland, especially in popular tourist destinations, is experiencing significant growth. The demand for holiday apartments and second homes is fueled by factors such as increasing affluence, improved transport infrastructure, and a desire for comfortable holiday experiences. The coastal regions are particularly attractive due to their scenic beauty, rich cultural heritage, and recreational activities.

Market Forecasts: Market forecasts suggest that the demand for holiday apartments in Poland’s coastal areas is likely to continue increasing in the coming years. Factors such as improving economic conditions, growing tourism, and favorable government policies supporting real estate development are expected to drive this growth. However, the high prices and limited availability of land in prime tourist locations pose challenges for both buyers and developers.

Issues and Challenges: One of the main issues related to the industry is the affordability of holiday apartments. As the article highlights, the prices per square meter in popular locations can be extremely high, making it difficult for many potential buyers to enter the market. This affordability challenge can potentially limit the growth of the industry.

Another challenge is the availability of suitable land for development. In prime tourist areas, the supply of land is limited, which can drive up prices further. Moreover, environmental regulations and restrictions on construction in protected areas add complexity to the development process.

Additionally, the fluctuating nature of the tourism industry can impact the demand for holiday apartments. Economic factors, geopolitical events, and changes in travel patterns can affect tourist arrivals and, consequently, the demand for vacation homes.

Overall, while the holiday apartment market in Poland’s coastal areas presents lucrative opportunities, it also faces various challenges. Balancing affordability, sustainability, and market demand will be crucial for the long-term success of the industry.

For more information on the real estate market in Poland and related industry news, you can visit nieruchomosci-online.pl or muratorplus.pl.

The source of the article is from the blog shakirabrasil.info

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