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Ceny mieszkań w Polsce stabilizują się, a rynek oczekuje działań rządu

Opublikowano przez Marcin Strzembosz włączony 23 czerwca, 2024
Create a realistic HD image that visually represents 'The housing prices in Poland are stabilizing and the market is expecting government actions.'

Według prezesa spółki Dom Development, polski rynek nieruchomości przeżywa obecnie okres spowolnienia, pomimo dobrego początku roku, który charakteryzował się wysokim popytem. Nie jest pewne, czym to spowolnienie jest spowodowane, lecz rynek oczekuje na wprowadzenie programu „Mieszkanie na start”, który został zapowiedziany przez rząd.

Podczas spowolnienia, ceny mieszkań przestały rosnąć, co jest wynikiem niższego popytu i mniejszych wolumenów sprzedaży. Jednakże, było to oczekiwane po znacznym wzroście cen w poprzednim roku, a stabilizacja jest naturalnym procesem.

Prezes Dom Development stwierdził, że sytuacja spółki jest dobra, a wszystkie projekty są realizowane zgodnie z harmonogramem. Budowy idą bez opóźnień, a sprzedaż tegoroczna będzie prawdopodobnie wyższa niż w zeszłym roku.

Najmocniejszymi rynkami nieruchomości w Polsce są Warszawa, Kraków, Wrocław i Trójmiasto. Dom Development ma obecnie największy bank ziemi w historii, co pozwala na budowę około 20 tysięcy mieszkań. Prezes spółki zapowiedział, że inwestycje te są w trakcie realizacji.

Dom Development, największy deweloper mieszkaniowy w Polsce, został założony w 1993 roku i od 2006 roku jest notowany na warszawskiej giełdzie. Spółka do tej pory przekazała do użytku ponad 49 tysięcy mieszkań. Aktualnie oferuje sprzedaż apartamentów w Krakowie.

According to the CEO of Dom Development, the Polish real estate market is currently experiencing a slowdown, despite a strong start to the year characterized by high demand. The cause of this slowdown is uncertain, but the market is eagerly awaiting the implementation of the „Housing for Start” program, which has been announced by the government.

During this slowdown, property prices have stopped rising, as a result of lower demand and smaller sales volumes. However, this was expected after a significant price increase in the previous year, and stabilization is a natural process.

The CEO of Dom Development stated that the company’s situation is good, and all projects are being carried out according to schedule. Construction is progressing without delays, and this year’s sales are likely to be higher than last year.

The strongest real estate markets in Poland are Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, and the Tri-City area. Dom Development currently holds the largest land bank in its history, allowing for the construction of approximately 20,000 apartments. The CEO of the company announced that these investments are currently in progress.

Dom Development, the largest residential developer in Poland, was founded in 1993 and has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2006. The company has delivered over 49,000 apartments to date. Currently, it is offering apartment sales in Krakow.

Industry Overview
The real estate industry in Poland has been experiencing a period of slowdown, despite a strong start to the year. This is attributed to lower demand and smaller sales volumes, resulting in stagnant property prices. However, this is considered to be a natural process following a significant price increase in the previous year. The introduction of the government’s „Housing for Start” program is eagerly awaited, as it is expected to provide a boost to the market.

Market Forecasts
While the exact cause of the current slowdown is uncertain, market analysts are anticipating that the implementation of the „Housing for Start” program could lead to an increase in demand and sales volume. However, it is important to note that market forecasts are subject to various factors, and uncertainties in the economy and government policies can have an impact on the real estate market.

Issues in the Industry
One of the main issues in the Polish real estate industry is the affordability of housing. High property prices in major cities like Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, and the Tri-City area have made it difficult for many individuals and families to enter the housing market. The „Housing for Start” program aims to address this issue by providing affordable housing options for first-time buyers.

Related links:
Dom Development: Official website of Dom Development, the largest residential developer in Poland. Provides information about the company, its projects, and contact details.
PIŚCZĆ – The Polish Real Estate Market Information: Website providing comprehensive information and analysis of the Polish real estate market. Includes market trends, forecasts, and industry news.

The source of the article is from the blog klikeri.rs

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