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Nowy Prezes Krajowego Zasobu Nieruchomości

Opublikowano przez Adam Nowacki włączony 26 czerwca, 2024
Realistic HD photo of the new head of a National Real Estate Resource

Minister for Regional Policy and Funds (MFiPR), Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, has appointed Łukasz Bałajewicz as the new president of the National Real Estate Fund (KZN) – according to the Ministry. Bałajewicz, a lawyer and graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Jagiellonian University, previously served as the Deputy Mayor of Gorlice (Małopolska). He has been acting as the interim president of KZN since January 3. From 2009-2015, Bałajewicz was involved in the management of medical entities and practiced law in one of the legal firms. In 2014-2015, he served as an advisor to the Mayor of Gorlice and in December 2015, he became his deputy. The National Real Estate Fund is a governmental legal entity. Its main mission is to implement public policies that cater to housing needs. Among the key tasks of KZN are managing the properties under its control, creating conditions to increase housing accessibility, undertaking actions to carry out housing investments, and facilitating the development of municipal housing – as stated on the KZN website.

Zmiana na stanowisku prezesa Krajowego Zasobu Nieruchomości

Minister Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej (MFiPR) Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz powołała nowego prezesa Krajowego Zasobu Nieruchomości (KZN) – taką informację przekazało Ministerstwo. Łukasz Bałajewicz, radca prawny, absolwent Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego i były zastępca burmistrza Gorlic (Małopolska), objął stanowisko prezesa KZN. Pełnił już obowiązki p.o. prezesa od 3 stycznia. Przez lata 2009-2015 Bałajewicz uczestniczył w zarządzaniu podmiotami działającymi w sektorze medycznym i pracował w jednej z kancelarii prawnych. W latach 2014-2015 pełnił funkcję doradcy burmistrza Gorlic, a w grudniu 2015 został jego zastępcą. Krajowy Zasób Nieruchomości to państwowa osoba prawna. Głównym zadaniem KZN jest realizacja polityki mającej na celu zaspokojenie potrzeb mieszkaniowych. Do najważniejszych zadań KZN należy zarządzanie nieruchomościami, tworzenie warunków do zwiększenia dostępności mieszkań, realizacja inwestycji mieszkaniowych oraz wspieranie budowy mieszkań gminnych.

The appointment of Łukasz Bałajewicz as the new president of the National Real Estate Fund (KZN) by the Minister for Regional Policy and Funds (MFiPR), Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, is a significant development in the real estate industry. Bałajewicz brings with him a background in law and administration, as well as experience in managing medical entities and serving as Deputy Mayor of Gorlice. His appointment reflects the government’s commitment to addressing housing needs and implementing public policies in this sector.

The National Real Estate Fund (KZN) is a governmental legal entity with a primary mission to cater to housing needs and implement housing policies. The fund is responsible for managing properties under its control, creating conditions to increase housing accessibility, undertaking housing investments, and facilitating the development of municipal housing. These tasks highlight the fund’s role in ensuring housing availability and affordability for the population.

The real estate industry plays a crucial role in the economy, and its performance is often an indicator of economic growth. However, like any other industry, it faces various challenges and issues. One of the key challenges in the real estate industry is the availability of affordable housing. The increasing demand for housing, coupled with limited supply, has led to rising housing prices, making homeownership unattainable for many individuals. The National Real Estate Fund’s efforts to increase housing accessibility and undertake housing investments are aimed at addressing this issue.

Furthermore, the real estate market is influenced by factors such as economic conditions, interest rates, government regulations, and demographic trends. Market forecasts suggest that the demand for housing will continue to grow, driven by factors such as population growth, urbanization, and changing consumer preferences. It is important for the National Real Estate Fund to stay updated on market trends and adapt its strategies accordingly to effectively cater to housing needs.

For more information about the National Real Estate Fund and its initiatives, you can visit their official website. link

The source of the article is from the blog motopaddock.nl

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