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Różnorodne trendy na rynku budowlanym w Polsce

Opublikowano przez Marcin Strzembosz włączony 27 czerwca, 2024
Generate a high-definition, realistic image depicting diverse trends in the construction industry in Poland. This should include various modern and traditional architectural styles, construction workers in protective gear working on site, a mix of in-progress and completed buildings, and some construction machinery like cranes and bulldozers. Let's also capture a balance of genders and racial backgrounds among the workers, signifying an inclusive working environment. The landscape should reflect the unique Polish environment with some of the famous Polish landmarks visible in the background.

Rynek budowlany w Polsce jest dynamiczny i zróżnicowany, pojawiają się różnorodne trendy i siły napędowe, tworzące mieszkania i domy. Głównymi graczami są deweloperzy i inwestorzy indywidualni, ale zauważalne są również pewne symptomy poprawy w budownictwie społecznym.

Według wstępnych szacunków GUS, w maju w Polsce ruszyła budowa 19,8 tys. mieszkań i domów, co stanowi prawie 7% spadek w porównaniu do kwietnia. Niemniej jednak, w ciągu pięciu miesięcy tego roku rozpoczęto budowę aż 101,1 tys. nieruchomości przeznaczonych do zamieszkania, co stanowi wzrost o 46% w porównaniu do analogicznego okresu ubiegłego roku.

Ważne jest jednak uwzględnienie faktu, że baza, na której te liczby są porównywane, była skutkiem drogiego pieniądza i kryzysu na rynku kredytów mieszkaniowych. Pod względem budownictwa społecznego czynszowego i komunalnego, ostatnie pięć miesięcy przyniosło pewne oznaki poprawy.

W tym czasie rozpoczęto budowę zaledwie 259 mieszkań komunalnych, 1003 społecznych czynszowych i 292 mieszkań spółdzielczych. Wydano także pozwolenia na budowę 582 mieszkań komunalnych i 1,89 tys. w ramach budownictwa społecznego czynszowego.

Analizując ostatnią dekadę, obserwujemy wzrost aktywności w budownictwie społecznym czynszowym. Tysiąc lokali w uruchomionych inwestycjach po pięciu miesiącach to imponujący rezultat, biorąc pod uwagę, że w całym ubiegłym roku dostarczono 3,5 tys. mieszkań tego typu, a średnio 1,2 tys. w latach poprzednich. W 2023 roku najwięcej inwestycji tego typu realizowano w Toruniu, Warszawie, Katowicach, Tarnowie i Zielonej Górze. Po pięciu miesiącach aktywne były głównie mniejsze powiaty, gdzie znajdują się powiat świdnicki, Opole, Leszno, powiat zawierciański i powiat nowotarski. To dowodzi, że rynek budowlany jest różnorodny i że trzeba brać pod uwagę lokalne uwarunkowania przy analizie trendów.

The construction industry in Poland is dynamic and diverse, with various trends and driving forces shaping the housing market. The main players in the market are developers and individual investors, but there are also noticeable signs of improvement in social housing.

According to preliminary estimates by the Central Statistical Office (GUS), construction of 19.8 thousand residential buildings started in Poland in May, which is a nearly 7% decrease compared to April. However, in the first five months of this year, construction began on a total of 101.1 thousand residential properties, representing a 46% increase compared to the same period last year.

It is important to consider the context in which these numbers are compared, as they were influenced by factors such as expensive financing and the housing credit market crisis. In terms of social and municipal housing, the last five months have shown signs of improvement.

During this period, construction started on only 259 municipal housing units, 1003 social rental units, and 292 cooperative housing units. Permits were also issued for the construction of 582 municipal housing units and 1.89 thousand units under the social rental housing program.

Analyzing the past decade, there has been a growth in activity in the social rental housing sector. The thousand units in ongoing projects after five months is an impressive result, considering that only 3.5 thousand units of this type were delivered in the entire previous year, and an average of 1.2 thousand units in previous years. In 2023, the most social housing developments were undertaken in Toruń, Warsaw, Katowice, Tarnów, and Zielona Góra. After five months, the active projects were mainly located in smaller counties, including Świdnica County, Opole, Leszno, Zawiercie County, and Nowy Targ County. This demonstrates that the construction market is diverse and that local factors must be considered when analyzing trends.

Market Forecasts:
Looking ahead, the construction industry in Poland is expected to continue growing, driven by factors such as favorable government policies, increasing urbanization, and a growing population. The demand for housing, both in the private and social sectors, is projected to remain strong.

However, there are also challenges and issues that the industry faces. One of the main concerns is the availability and affordability of housing, especially for lower-income individuals and families. The rise in construction costs, including materials and labor, can also impact the profitability and feasibility of projects.

In terms of market forecasts, experts predict that the demand for affordable housing will continue to rise, creating opportunities for developers and investors. The social rental housing sector is expected to see further growth, with a focus on providing affordable and sustainable housing solutions for low-income individuals and families.

Industry Issues:
The construction industry in Poland faces several challenges and issues. One of the key issues is the shortage of skilled labor. The industry relies heavily on foreign workers, and changes in immigration policies and labor market conditions can impact the availability of skilled workers.

Another issue is the regulatory environment, which can sometimes be complex and bureaucratic. Streamlining and simplifying the permitting and approval processes can help facilitate faster and more efficient construction projects.

In addition, sustainability and environmental concerns are becoming increasingly important in the industry. There is a growing demand for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings, and developers and investors need to adapt to meet these expectations.

Overall, the construction industry in Poland is a dynamic and evolving sector. With the right strategies and adaptations, developers and investors can tap into the opportunities provided by market growth and changing trends in the housing sector.

For more information about the construction industry in Poland, you can visit the website of the Polish Construction Association here.

The source of the article is from the blog mivalle.net.ar

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