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Nowy środek rządowy zwalnia młodych ludzi z płacenia podatków przy zakupie domu

Opublikowano przez Adam Nowacki włączony 5 lipca, 2024
A realistic high-definition image demonstrating the concept of a new government policy that liberates young people from the burden of taxes when purchasing a house. The imagery ideally symbolizes the relief and opportunity this policy brings to youth, possibly with symbolic representations of houses and tax documents, or young individuals expressing joy or relief.

Nowe środki rządowe wprowadzą ulgi w opłatach związanych z zakupem nieruchomości dla młodych ludzi poniżej 35 roku życia. O ile wejdą w życie w sierpniu, udrożą wiele transakcji dotyczących IMT (podatku od uciążliwych transferów nieruchomości) i Stamp Tax (IS). Według najnowszych danych z Urzędu Skarbowego(AT), podatki te przyniosły mniejsze dochody w 2023 roku.

W ubiegłym roku IMT wyniosło 1 751 mln euro, co oznacza spadek o 0,7% w porównaniu z rokiem poprzednim. Pomimo tego, dochody przekazane gminom z tytułu IMT zwiększyły się o około 1,1%, osiągając 1 675 mln euro. Z kolei liczba wydanych not poboru IMT w 2023 roku spadła o 10% w porównaniu z rokiem 2022.

Podatek IS również odnotował spadek o 10% w ubiegłym roku, generując około 330 mln euro na zakup domów i innych nieruchomości. Jednak podatek IS związany z leasingiem i podnajmem wzrósł o 20,4%, osiągając 19,8 mln euro.

Nowe środki rządowe przewidują zwolnienie młodych ludzi poniżej 35 roku życia z płacenia IMT i IS przy zakupie domu. To jednak oznacza, że gminy doświadczą spadku dochodów związanych z tymi podatkami. Rząd zapewnia jednak, że władze lokalne otrzymają pełną rekompensatę za utratę przychodów z IMT.

Ta inicjatywa rządowa ma na celu ułatwienie młodym ludziom dostępu do własnego mieszkania czy domu, jednocześnie redukując ich obciążenia finansowe związane z podatkami przy zakupie nieruchomości.

The new government measures will introduce incentives in real estate purchase fees for young people below the age of 35. If they come into effect in August, they will lower the cost of many transactions involving IMT (tax on property transfers) and Stamp Tax (IS). According to the latest data from the Tax Office (AT), these taxes brought in less revenue in 2023.

Last year, IMT amounted to 1,751 million euros, indicating a decrease of 0.7% compared to the previous year. Despite this, the income transferred to municipalities from IMT increased by approximately 1.1%, reaching 1,675 million euros. On the other hand, the number of IMT collection notices issued in 2023 decreased by 10% compared to 2022.

The IS tax also recorded a 10% decline last year, generating around 330 million euros for the purchase of houses and other properties. However, the IS tax related to leasing and sublease increased by 20.4%, reaching 19.8 million euros.

The new government measures anticipate exempting young people below the age of 35 from paying IMT and IS when purchasing a home. However, this means that municipalities will experience a decrease in revenue associated with these taxes. The government assures, however, that local authorities will receive full compensation for the loss of IMT revenue.

This government initiative aims to facilitate young people’s access to their own apartment or house while reducing their financial burdens related to property purchase taxes.

Industry Overview:
The real estate industry plays a crucial role in the economy, serving as a barometer for economic growth and stability. It encompasses various sectors, including residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural properties. The demand for real estate is driven by factors such as population growth, urbanization, infrastructure development, and economic conditions.

Market Forecasts:
The introduction of government incentives for young people in real estate purchases is expected to have a positive impact on the market. With reduced costs and financial burdens, more young individuals may be encouraged to enter the real estate market, leading to increased demand and potential market growth. However, it is important to monitor the market closely, as changes in government policies and economic conditions can significantly influence the real estate industry.

Issues Related to the Industry:
The real estate industry faces several challenges and issues that can impact its performance. Some of these include:

Housing Affordability: High housing prices and limited affordable housing options can make it challenging for young people to enter the property market. Government initiatives, such as the one discussed in the article, aim to address this issue by providing financial incentives and support.

Taxation: Taxes, such as IMT and Stamp Tax, can add significantly to the cost of purchasing a property. Government measures, like the ones mentioned in the article, seek to alleviate this burden for young buyers.

Regulation and Policy Changes: Frequent changes in regulations and policies related to real estate can create uncertainty in the market. It is essential for industry professionals and stakeholders to stay updated on any new developments that may affect the industry.

Housing Supply and Demand: Balancing housing supply and demand is crucial to maintain a stable market. Insufficient housing supply can lead to high prices and limited options for buyers, while oversupply can result in a downturn in the market.

Environmental Concerns: Increasing awareness of environmental sustainability is influencing the real estate industry. Sustainable building practices, energy-efficient properties, and green certifications are gaining importance, and real estate professionals need to adapt to these changing trends.

For more information about the real estate industry, market forecasts, and related issues, visit the National Association of Realtors or the Institute of Real Estate Management websites.

The source of the article is from the blog girabetim.com.br

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